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T4T Classic (Original Lesson Plans)

What follows are much more than the actual lessons used in the original T4T CPM. Instead, each week’s session is outlined as a LESSON PLAN that includes all three parts, including a summary of a vision-casting vignette. These lesson plans are designed for a trainer to use to plan his training session, although he may only hand out the actual lesson portion to the trainers. For this reason, the lesson handouts are included by themselves at the end.

Also available in a separate document are Sample Lesson Plans that are fairly standard around the world.

The lesson plans that follow are GOOD EXAMPLES of how to design a three-thirds training session. Adapt these lessons or write new ones to fit your needs. Remember to keep them

1) Biblical and 2) simple / reproducible.

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No. Заголовок Автор записи Дата Просмотры
» T4T (Training for Trainers)(Original Lesson Plans) file 관리자 2013.05.28 30128
1 ONE to ONE Discipleship Training file 관리자 2013.05.15 12500
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